Parks & Recreation Plan

Update: At their November 22nd meeting, Council adopted the RM's first Parks & Recreation Plan. You can download a copy of the new plan by clicking here. Moving forward, this plan will influence the RM's decisions regarding parks and recreation and ensure the RM is well-positioned to make sustainable and long-term recreation-related decisions.

The RM of Edenwold No. 158 is excited to announce the Parks & Recreation Plan. This plan will outline existing recreation conditions and create a road map for future recreational development. The Parks & Recreation Plan focuses on the RM's 'Development Overlay Area'. This area includes acreages near Emerald Park and the residential communities of:

  • Emerald Park
  • Jameson Estates
  • Park Meadow Estates
  • Meadow Ridge Estates
  • Deneve & Escott
  • Bridlewood Estates
  • Bohach
  • Stone Pointe Estates
  • Spruce Creek Estates
  • Mission Pointe Estates
  • Crawford Developments
  • Crawford Estates
  • South Subdivision, and
  • Rock Pointe Estates

The RM of Edenwold has a diverse number of recreational spaces and assets - from the irrigated and mown fields of Kuzmicz Commemorative Park to more natural spaces like White Butte Trails. There is a mix of private and publicly-owned spaces that together create an abundance of opportunities for recreation. By understanding how current residents use recreation in the area and what opportunities are available for the future, the RM can work to upgrade existing parks, build new infrastructure, and improve access to recreation for all RM residents.

As part of the plan writing process, RM Staff have created a survey for residents of the 'Development Overlay Area'. The survey was open until November 9th, 2021. Based on the combined survey results, RM staff and a planning intern from the University of Saskatchewan drafted a Parks & Recreation Plan that meets resident needs and expectations.

If you have any questions about the Parks & Recreation Master Plan, please contact the RM at (306) 771-2522 or by email at