Are you moving to or from the RM of Edenwold? The RM has partnered with ExpressAddress to manage all transfers, connections, or disconnections of service and address changes. This information is shared with multiple organizations at once and helps customers save time and avoid duplication of effort.
To use ExpressAddress, click here. You will be required to create an account - and will then be able to select all service connections, disconnections, or transfers that apply to you. Once you submit your information, ExpressAddress will share your application with all relevant organizations, and these organizations may contact you for more information.
ExpressAddress has grown to include several participating organizations, including:
- Access Communications
- City of Regina
- City of Saskatoon
- City of Weyburn
- eHealth Saskatchewan
- Sask. Ministry of Social Services
- Sask. Public Employees Benefits Agency
- Regina Public Library
- RM of Edenwold No. 158
- SaskEnergy
- SaskPower
- SaskTel
- SecurTek
- Sask. Workers' Compensation Board
If you have any questions, please contact the RM office at (306) 771-2522 or by email at
Note: If you would like to receive e-notices for your taxes and utility invoices, please fill out the Email Consent Form and either bring it to the RM Office during regular hours (Mon - Fri 9 am to 5 pm) at 100 Hutchence Road, Emerald Park, SK, S4L 1C6, or email it to
Note: If you would like to participate in the compost collection program, please fill out the Compost Opt-In/Opt-Out Application Form and either bring it to the RM Office during regular hours (Mon - Fri 9 am to 5 pm) at 100 Hutchence Road, Emerald Park, SK, S4L 1C6, or email it to