Rural Crime Watch 158 is a community-driven, community-led, and police-supported non-profit crime prevention and crime reduction collaborative group. Residents of the RM of Edenwold formed Rural Crime Watch 158 in the 1980s. As residents, members volunteer with a vested interest in their community and a shared goal of safe homes and a safe community.
Rural Crime Watch 158's goal is to promote neighbours watching out for neighbours.
For a helpful guide to community safety, please visit Keeping your community safe: A guide to being a vigilant citizen
The group uses the WhatsApp social media platform for real-time communication to members of unusual or suspicious activity in the area. The group also has a Facebook page, Rural Crime Watch158 that promotes safe practice initiatives, provides updates related to the organisation, and is used to boost awareness of any issues within the community.
Rural Crime Watch 158 would like to extend an invitation to all residents of the RM of Edenwold to join the Rural Crime Watch Group. Connect with them through email at or on their Facebook page.
If you are interested in joining, please fill out and submit the Invitation & Membership Form.